May 17, 2008

John McCain is a Hypocrite

My mom is a spriritual even-tempered woman. She raised four children and taught middle-school students in Los Angeles for over 30 years. One day, as a young teenager sitting in the backseat of the family car, I called my good-natured mom a 'hypocrite'. She reached back and slapped me across the face faster than anything I had seen in my young life.

She taught me that day that the word, 'hypocrite' is powerful. Quite frankly, I rarely, if ever, used the word again in my life ... until today.

Today, I'm realizing that John McCain is a 'hypocrite' of the first order. He has been cutting loose about how naive and dangerous it is for Barack Obama to engage in talks with Hamas. Of course, Obama specifically noted that he would not talk with terrorist organizations, such as Hamas. However, the so-called 'Straight Talk Express' is coming off the honesty track. What is even sadder, is that the so-called maverick of the republican party may also be a 'hypocrite'. He complains alot about Hamas in 2008 ... however a few years ago, he had a much more open-mind about Hamas ... check out the video:

I think that 'hypocrite' is the correct word to use in this situation. What say u?


Let's Play said...

"Hypocrite" would be very appropriate. Then, again, hypocricay has long been Amerikkka's policy towards the rest of the world. They screamed "Democracy", but, when Palestine went through a legitimate election process and Hamas came out the winner, the U.S. didn't want to hear it and did eveything they could to break them up. They don't scream that Israel is the true terrorist, but, instead, embrace their every move. Consider this: "Palestine" - would that not be a place where Palestinians live?! Israel refuses to give up the land that rightfully belongs to Palestine. I'm not advocating terrorism, and would never engage in treason, but, the truth is other countries have a right to run their countries as they see fit, not as Amerikkka would have it. As stated, we have a history (though briefly) of engaging in direct talks with the enemy (Khrushchev, Qaddafi, and others) and the results have been favorable. Why will we not do the same with Hamas. As for the hypocrisy at hand, I never put it past McCain or any other politician to use hypocrisy as an everyday tool. Peace.

SjP said...

He's a politician and will say anything to get elected - even if its hypocritical. Besides, McCain is just ticked-off that he's not moving out of the White House in January and the realization that he won't be moving in, either. SjP

SjP said...

On another note, I STILL say yes or no Mam to my mother cause I can feel still feel her backhand when I answered her by saying "what?". SjP

msladyDeborah said...

Hotep Villager!

I am really advocating that people take time to study about Flipper McMadness' policies and views.

He bears defeating because he is going to have deliver on his promises to satisfy the Republican faithful. That would be more than I want to bear.

I plan to continue to look into his shiesty dealings and encourage everybody I know, not to jump asile and vote for him.

He is W's version of Mini Me.

Old School Fridays said...

Indeed you may have chosen the right word. While watching Meet the Press, I heard him refer to Obama's "naiveté" and his "inexperience". To see this video with him pushing the same ideas make me wonder, how do politicians get away with this. The American people need to start calling them out.

Unknown said...

BlackStarr - My opinion is that we should talk and engage in negotiations with other countries (states). If Hamas is duly-elected representative of a state, then we should talk with them. We should talk with the head of Iran because it is a state. Same for North Korea and such. I do *not* think that POTUS should engage in discussion with terrorist groups. If Hamas is *not* duly elected representative of Palestine ... then we should *not* talk with Hamas. Just my opinon...

Sojourner - I don't think we want to see McBush when he gets angry ... I hear that his temper is very volitile...

Lady D - I think that I'm going to call him McBush for most of the coming weeks and months. He is indeed the mini-me to George W. Bush. Have you seen The Truth About McCain blog put up by Francis Holland?

Mrs. Grapevine - I think it is harder for them to get away with it in today's YouTube society...

Yobachi said...

LOL, your mom didn't slap the taste out your mouth; she slapped the hypocrite out of your mouth.

I couldn't imagine saying that to mom because I would have expected that back hand. I might have made a point of showing her contradiction; but not used that word.

And people say physical discipline doesn't teach kids anything.

Unknown said...

Yobachi - It's odd. My parents beleived in physical discipline. I recall being whipped (primarily with a belt, sometimes with an extension chord, on 2-3 occassions with switches from the backyard tree) when I was young. Yet, I've never laid a hand on either of my two youngest (11-year old and 8-year old). They seem to be disciplined enough by a certain parental look or tone of voice ...

Theo J. said...

They're all hypocrites when it comes down to it. I did a post on Cheney a while back that shows how right he was about Iraq. Hope you don't mind the link.

These politicians flip flop all the time. I hope Obama is different, but only time will tell. I just can't get behind McCain because he changed who he was to win the Republican nomination. He's not as "conservative" as he believes. Just enough to get the votes.